Stock Information
Basic Information

The following section includes basic stock information, the distribution of ownership, and the status of major shareholders.

Basic Stock Information

Total number of shares authorized to be issued
Common Stock: 700,000,000
Total number of shares issued
Common Stock: 336,096,924 (Including Treasury Stock)
Financial Year
Begins on April 1 and continues to March 31 of the following year
29,226 (As of March 31, 2024)
Shareholders Meeting
Mid- to Late June
Received Dividends Fixed Shareholder
End of term Dividend: March 31
If the Board of Directors issues an interim dividend Interim Dividend: September 30
Securities Code
3635 (Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market)
Administrator of the Shareholder's List Administrator of the Shareholder's List
1-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo
Announcement method
Communications made through electronic notification.
However, (in those cases when electronic notifications cannot be made) in an accident or crisis, or for other unavoidable reasons, information will be posted in The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (The Nikkei).
Number of shares per unit


Breakdown by Investor Type

(As of 03.31.2024)
Parcentage of Shareholding
Individuals and Other Investors 9.34%
Financial Institutions 8.68%
Domestic Companies 59.54%
Foreign Investors (including institutions) 15.64%
Securities Companies 0.77%
Treasury Stock 6.03%

Status of Major Shareholders

(As of 03.31.2024)
name number of shares owned Parcentage of Shareholding
Koyu Holdings Corporation 172,040,386 54.47
JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 380815 31,267,360 9.90
Kankyo Kagaku Co., Ltd. 22,596,570 7.15
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 21,051,000 6.67
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 5,975,800 1.89
JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 380634 2,344,184 0.74
Mei Erikawa 2,004,420 0.63
Ai Erikawa 2,000,000 0.63
Kakihara Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyu Zaidan, Public Interest Incorporated Foundation 1,684,800 0.53


1.Our treasury stock of 20,258,636 shares is excluded from the major shareholders listed above.

2.Shareholding ratio is calculated excluding treasury stock.

3.In the Report of Large Volume Holding made available for public inspection on March 7, 2024, it is stated that the Public Investment Fund holds 30,133,160 shares as of February 29, 2024. However, as the Company has not been able to confirm the actual number of shares held as of March 31, 2024, this information is not reflected on the major stockholders listed above.

4.In the Report of Large Volume Holding made available for public inspection on April 5, 2024, it is stated that Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. and its joint holder Asset Management One Co., Ltd. hold 6,480,949 shares as of March 29, 2024. However, as the Company has not been able to confirm the actual number of shares held as of March 31, 2024, this information is not reflected on the major stockholders listed above.