Products and Services

Delivering Excitement to the World

We value intellectual properties and provide original products and services that leverage our strengths.

  • SDGs
  • SDGs
  • SDGs
  • SDGs
  • SDGs
  • SDGs
  • SDGs
  • SDGs

Invitation to Knowledge, Gateway to Learning

October 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of "Kawanakajima no Kassen," the first game created by President & CEO Yoichi Erikawa under the alias of Kou Shibusawa. During the past few decades, we have expanded into a variety of genres, including historical simulation games such as "Nobunaga's Ambition" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," action games such as "Dynasty Warriors" and "Nioh," role-playing games such as "Atelier Ryza," games for women such as "La Corda d'Oro," and more. In the 2022 NHK drama, "Kamakura-dono no 13-nin (The 13 Lords of the Shogun)," Kou Shibusawa is participating as a supervisor of 3DCG maps, using the expertise accumulated through game development. We will continue to contribute to society by creating entertainment content based on Asian history and culture.

Kawanakajima no Kassen
Origin of historical simulation: "Kawanakajima no Kassen"
"Nobunaga's Ambition: Hadou"

Promotion of Partnerships and Collaborations

To strengthen our global partnerships, we will continue to advance our plans for widespread collaborations for movies, TV dramas, plays, and events. We collaborated six of our titles, "NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Hadou," "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Hadou," "NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Online," "NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: 20XX," "100Man-nin no Nobunaga no Yabou," and "Uncharted Waters Online" with the movie "DAIMYOU-TOUSAN."

Tie-ins for regional contributions and area revitalization projects

We are actively engaged in regional contribution and area revitalization projects by using our IP in collaborations with local governments, schools, public transportation systems, and companies and products that represent different regions.

Collaborations for regional contributions and area revitalization projects
Collaborations for regional contributions and area revitalization projects
Example of educational posters created in cooperation with Ashikaga City using our IP.

Other collaborations (FY2023)

・Collaboration campaign with Nippan Segmo, Inc. for their Castle Day (April 6th) - Castle, Warring States Period, and History Fair.
・ Collaboration with Saga Prefecture to show portraits of generals from the games on the guidance and information signs of the Nagoya Castle Ruins and camp site remains.
・ Collaboration with the Warring States period movie, "KUBI," which was about the Honnō-ji Incident.
・ Collaboration with the city of Ashikaga during their Setsubun Yoroi Toshikoshi event. Director Ogasawara participated wearing the western-style armor of Oda Nobunaga.
・Collaboration with women's Japan Diamond Softball League.
"NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Shutsujin Complete Edition"
・Entered into a comprehensive agreement with Ashikaga to decorate the city's transit buses with traffic safety signage featuring the game.
・Special collaboration event with Sekigahara city in Gifu Prefecture in conjunction with their 2023 Daisekigahara Festival.
・Held an exhibit at the 50th Shingen-ko Festival in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, which was also featured as a local in-game event.
・Collaboration with Central Japan Railway where the stations that Tokaido Shinkansen "Nozomi" stops at were added as local locations in game.
・Collaboration with the city of Takatsuki's tourism promotion BOTTO Takatsuki, alongside "NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Awakening."
・Held exhibits at SAMURAI Fest 2024 and Japan Castle Festival 2024.
・Held an event where users traveled to real-life Warring States period locations, "3 Prefecture Tour Panel Mission: Gifu, Fukui, Shiga."
"La Corda d'Oro: Starlight Orchestra"
・Collaborated with businesses in Yokohama, including novelty handouts and special announcements.


Tie-ins for regional contributions and area revitalization projects
  • Cooperated with regional public awareness campaigns (fire prevention, anti-violence, traffic safety).
  • Promoted tie-ins based on the needs of each area.
Promotion of Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Formed partnerships in various fields such as movies, TV dramas, theater, events, etc.
    【Main collaborations】
    ・ Music for "Nobunaga's Ambition: Shinsei" provided by Kiyoshi Hikawa.
    ・ Music for "Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key" provided by reche.
    ・ "Nobunaga's Ambition" series tie-up with the movie "Legend & Butterfly".
    ・ "Atelier Ryza" became an anime titled "Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout".
Pursuing specialized skills (CG production)
  • From photorealistic to toon shading, we support all types of CG tastes and pursue a variety of visual expression.
  • Created a team/unit-based structure to share knowledge and formulate long-term plans for each specialized function. Work efficiency and knowledge shared within the workflow.
  • We utilize the latest software tools, generic textures, and 3D models,
Making use of our proprietary game engine, the "Katana Engine™"
  • We have developed a number of original systems that simplify data production and achieve significant operational efficiency.
Cultural diversity through cooperation with external creators
  • We have established a framework for achieving AAA quality in game development by employing renowned visual directors, action directors, sculptors, concept designers, lighting directors, and others.
Strengthening risk management for our intellectuals properties
  • Maintained company rights through acquiring patents and copyrights.
  • Made use of the copyright system in China.
  • Performed internal training on intellectual properties.
Emphasizing respect for intellectual properties, both our own and others
  • Support licensing of our own IP. 
  • Created a database and investigative reports regarding patents.
Upholding our strict policy against copyright infringements
  • Participated in ACCS's "Amazon Taisaku Project" and cooperated with requests for removal of copyright infringing products for retro games.
  • Requested removal of apps that infringed our copyright.
  • Monitored and requested the removal of copyright infringements on all media.
  • Improved our litigation response.