About This site

Requests for use

Before using the website of Koei Tecmo Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as "this website" and "Koei Tecmo HD" respectively), please read the following terms and conditions of use carefully. If you do not agree to them, please refrain from using this website. By using this website, you agree to all of the terms and conditions below. If a section within this website has its own separate terms of use, please read them carefully and agree to them before use.

Regarding usage conditions

  • Terms of use
    Use of this website is free of charge; however, you must set up and operate devices, as well as pay connection and communication fees to use the Internet and e-mail at your own responsibility and expense.

  • Regarding copyrights
    Intellectual property rights such as copyrights, as well as rights of use and any other rights of all copyrighted works, portraits, characters, marks, and any other information on this website are owned by Koei Tecmo HD or their providers. Reproducing this website by downloading it, printing it, or another method is limited to personal or home use, and within a limited scope. Please refrain from using (that is, copying, uploading, posting, or quoting, etc.) information and programs on this website on other websites or printed materials. With respect to the content posted on this website, please also refrain from other unauthorized usage that is beyond the scope permitted by copyright laws.

  • Regarding e-mail
    Koei Tecmo HD will sometimes reply to your inquiries by e-mail. The copyrights of such e-mail messages are owned by Koei Tecmo HD; therefore, please refrain from using such e-mails on, for example, other websites or printed materials without the permission of Koei Tecmo HD.

  • Regarding trademarks
    The rights related to the trademarks (that is, trademarks and service marks) displayed on this website belong to the right holders that authorized Koei Tecmo HD to use such rights. Please refrain from using the rights without permission of the rights holders. Unless specified otherwise, they are trademarks of their respective companies.

  • Regarding the handling of links
    You may freely link to this website; however, for websites that Koei Tecmo HD has deemed unacceptable, such as websites that meet the descriptions below, we ask that you remove links to this website.

    • Websites that offend public order or morals
    • Websites that could potentially be libelous or defamatory of particular individuals or organizations
    • Any other website that the operating entity of this site Koei Tecmo HD deems inappropriate
  • Recommended system requirements
    Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Mozilla FireFox、Apple Safari

  • Regarding temporary suspension of website service
    Koei Tecmo HD will sometimes temporarily suspend provision of this website without prior notice for reasons such as system maintenance or failure, fire, power outages, disasters such as earthquakes, or when it is deemed necessary to temporarily suspend provision of the website for other operational or technical issues. We shall not be liable for any damages caused by such periods of suspension.

  • Disclaimer
    Koei Tecmo HD does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or usability of the information, programs, services, or any other matters related to this website. The information listed on this site has not been made to solicit investment. We ask that you please refrain from using the information listed on this site as the sole basis for whether to invest in our Company, and ask that you instead make your decision based on your own personal judgement. In addition, Koei Tecmo HD shall not be liable for any accidents involving software or hardware that occur as a result of using this website, for any issues that occur between users or between a user and a third party, or for any other accidents that result from using this website.

  • Regarding future prospects
    Any plans or prospects contained in this website, other than historical facts, are solely based on our company's future projections at the time the materials were created. Accordingly, final results may differ from prospects due to various factors such as economic conditions. In addition, our company assumes no obligation to revise this information even if changes to such various factors may affect our projections.

  • Privacy
    Koei Tecmo HD respects personal information that you provide, and is committed to protecting your privacy. For details, please read our "Personal Information Protection Policy."

  • Applicable laws
    All issues related to this website, including disputes, shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and shall be exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Yokohama District Court of Japan.